U say give u vid then u ban me

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U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by AndyMc » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 6:24 am

Ya tags aint working.

Un ban me u n00b. ;)

BTW n1 on making BWPRO a workable version of BW.

I do actually enjoy the server when the KiddyMen have gone to bed, and I actually know you from way back, but that's something else. :)
Last edited by AndyMc on Sun 11 Dec , 2011 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Takeo » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 8:51 am

1. What is the video you posted for?
2. You know that there is more than one place you can get banned, right?

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Socio » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 12:28 pm

1.) Go here and read: http://ut2004.thenicam.ch/phpBB3/viewto ... =33&t=1070
2.) That youtube link is 404
AndyMc wrote:Un ban me u n00b. ;)
Not a proper way to start an unban plea.
> team-spec*Socio: i see a new rais map
> team-spec*Socio: curious if ikea
> H&some: its not
> H&some: its actually pretty good

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Azarael » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 1:06 pm

Ban was applied for wasting my time in a discussion (video files cannot be converted into UT's demo4 format), continually accusing other players of botting and then stating you would get the server shut down if I did not comply with your demands.

I appreciate that you like the mod but I can't allow disruption and threats, and calling me a noob doesn't help either.

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by AndyMc » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 10:07 pm

I'm not plea'ing for to be unbanned.

I never said you can convert a vid to demo, that's sorta crazy, or I'd have to be some amazing inventor of an ai which could read video then convert it back to data. I think you maybe got me wrong there and if talking to an admin reasonably is bannable then maybe it's not a place I want to play.

Look I don't care who bots and for what reason, I'm a good player so I expect to get botted by not as good players but I don't like to see gangs of botters bullying then takign the mick as a group out of any players who complain then then run get an admin to play in there childish kiddymen games. Most people just wanna play and let off some steam in the game with there play, win or lose, and for certain times of the day the server is such a pleasure to play in and the players generally are pretty fair and fun to play and chat with.

The lil gangs roam server to server making their life's complete by intimidating and bullying anyone they can get to react, and this is why since most haxs become available form ut99 that UT died as a game. Anyone joining to play is just bullied out and so UT died.

Lets be realistic now, the net is FILLED with many FPS games, anyone who's play for 3 months can normally spot a botter and the majority are sick to death of these waste of space scrounging kiddymen.
So all this there's no botters, then admitting someone could get past the ATCC, well the fact is most bots won't work correctly if the ATCC was older. Only basic protection is needed and a unbiased admin.

These same lil bunch of guys have caused many servers to close, leeching and playing one admin to the next and the problem comes from an admin having first to admit they have been played, which rarely happens.
But you should notice the majority of players want to just play and have fun and most will leave when the known botters come in, others will wait it out and say nothing.
That's not good administration when the victim's are worried to say when they see botting from fear of being ganged on and kicked or banned.

Obviously you can see my integrity and morals are more important than playing in a server.

Think for a change how it feels to some of the victim's of a gang who sit in a team speak server calling each other into servers to team one person who maybe just got few good kills then some moron botter starts crying and gets in m8s to help him bully.
Do you realise how embarrassed, humiliated and violated they can make some feel, and I've even seen some of these guys say stuff to these people there bullying like, "yeah go on go kill yaself, ya a waste of space and so on"
This really what you want the servers to promote? This is what is happening when pro cheating gangs are given safe haven.

Anyway nothing I said will change anything so I guess it will be just seen as a rant, so rant over I guess. :)

This not the right area but do you use parts from the bw pro v2.6 in the servers as the bw pro v55 seems to be missing thing?
I can't see the muts, also u use freon but when I use it it's not showing the server in the lists, can u help.
Least then I can't bother ya server with bot accusations.

BTW i changed the YT link and it's still broke.

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Takeo » Sun 11 Dec , 2011 10:52 pm

Your complaints about the imorality of the kids on the server is no reason for trying to threaten the admins (which btw will never work i guess).
The ban was not applied because you tried to tell on the group of kids who - let us face it - are just children. Furthermore I can't imagine that it is their intention to get you banned. They pick a person to go aggressive on until he/she has no lust anymore to get 'owned' by them and either leaves the server or tries to find a way to beat them (In my opinion that is a good competition.)

If you have anything to say to the admins, you're welcome to do so. The rules are clearly posted everywhere. If you think they broke a rule, post a picture of the chatlog or a video of how they broke the rules and we will surely take care of it.

Getting on the nerves of the admins is of course not a good idea. Could use a metaphor but that would be inappropriate.
btw: your youtube link shows a video with the title: "Evil Ghostly Child caught on camera" which shows a "spooky" house with a boy who tries to scare the viewer... what does it have to do with the topic?

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by AndyMc » Mon 12 Dec , 2011 12:06 am

Takeo wrote:Your complaints about the imorality of the kids on the server is no reason for trying to threaten the admins (which btw will never work i guess).
The ban was not applied because you tried to tell on the group of kids who - let us face it - are just children. Furthermore I can't imagine that it is their intention to get you banned. They pick a person to go aggressive on until he/she has no lust anymore to get 'owned' by them and either leaves the server or tries to find a way to beat them (In my opinion that is a good competition.)
I don't think who I'm on about are kids any more, hence the name kiddymen.
If you have anything to say to the admins, you're welcome to do so. The rules are clearly posted everywhere. If you think they broke a rule, post a picture of the chatlog or a video of how they broke the rules and we will surely take care of it.
I very much doubt that.
Getting on the nerves of the admins is of course not a good idea. Could use a metaphor but that would be inappropriate.
Admin's should be made of studier stuff, if they can't handle administrating they should become a spectator.
btw: your youtube link shows a video with the title: "Evil Ghostly Child caught on camera" which shows a "spooky" house with a boy who tries to scare the viewer... what does it have to do with the topic?
Good spoiler, yet the yt tag is still broken. I thought it was a nice way to start the thread. :)

You sort of showed me everything I needed to know about you with in the way you phrased and what you said.
I can say that right, free speech is not dead yet is it?
If not your have to post a list of sentences which a user can use so we don't upset any delicate admin's.
I don't want to upset admin's, all that power they have is a hard thing to cope with so it must be hard for them to not power trip, so I want to try help in anyway I can. :)

Sorry but being an admin isn't about trying to trash anything anyone says, as if being an admin your opinion only matters and others merely should kiss your feet.

Oh please I have a complain, Takeo requote me incorrectly to take me out of context.
This fair to say or not, you said I can complain and I don't want to get on your nerves being correct.
I can lie if you want and say something you might like to hear more?

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Azarael » Mon 12 Dec , 2011 12:11 am

Part of the evidence log filed for this ban:

> CaptainCaveman: btw i don't do demo record in this thing
> TomStrong[TeamSay:Blue]: HELP
> WebAdmin: [Azarael] I require .demo4 or nothing.
> CaptainCaveman: i can convert to that for ya
> CaptainCaveman: but i dont' record like u guys do

Do you, or do you not claim here that you can convert videos to demo4? The point about demorecs as opposed to videos is that videos can be edited.

Regarding your post:

As one of the better players on the BW servers, and the admin, I have a vested interest in keeping botters off the servers. They'd not only ruin my gaming experience, but they'd also cause other players to leave. If a player is skilled at the game (and almost all of the good players on the server are known to me) then defeats are unavoidable, but that's perfectly fine as long as no cheat is used. Given that my aim is to make the server as popular as possible while maintaining standards of gameplay/decency and lack of corruption, if I thought that you were in any way worth taking seriously, I would have listened to you. As it is, the following:

> CaptainCaveman: you know i got 15 servers closed now
> <O.o>! is now on red.
> John-do[TeamSay:Blue]: inside
> StonerPwner420 entered the game.
> StonerPwner420 is now on blue.
> CaptainCaveman: you know also some of these guys were at fault in them
> Fangorn: wtf
> <O.o>! entered the game.
> CaptainCaveman: host and isp's m8 won't tollerate it, if there giving info, data they close, it costs loads of money
> Fichte: lol
> Yôur-Lôve: yeah there is this fbi for endofline games.. you spot a server with hacks, you can clsoe it down using the ut2k4mca
> CaptainCaveman: so they help stop it more than they do priaters
> Yôur-Lôve: xD
> Boomer[TeamSay:Red]: nice way to do it dr pepp
> TomStrong: .
> CaptainCaveman: cos ya don't hear it on the news don't think its not being acted on

was enough to tip the scales for you from "minor annoyance" to "bold enough to threaten me, and with a lie, too." ISPs have avoided acting on media pirates, who actually harm the economy, for years. They don't give a shit about hackers on some game server and they certainly don't target the game servers.

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by AndyMc » Mon 12 Dec , 2011 12:42 am

No, I don't' claim to convert video to demo4, you assumed I meant that.

I was right in what I said there, I don't care if people want to lol, or your love who was cheating and botting me loads lol and trying to wind me up, although that will never work. :)

But when they sit trying to stir it up like you said you know most the best players as you call them which was partly my point.
We both know what demo's will and won't show, and we both know that when a demo is recorded some bots show this happening.
But some will stop botting when you come along, sometimes they just outright bot me, so I can't even get 1 frag, ill complain knowing there going to run get you then you come in and they lol at you and me. They stop botting when you come in so they obviously know you will kick them.
I will rant sometimes just to get them to get you or another admin in, just so they stop botting.

You see in the server list people use fair, honest and so on in there server names, this is because they feel servers admins are not clearing the botters. I get it m8 I ran a server for 4 years of ut99, then other version and games and sometimes you get to know the users and some start cheating. That's how I mean they go form server to server claiming admins, then brag about it here and there like its a trophy.

There's a difference form using a bot to try compete against harder players to using it in a gang, binding it to hell, having it auto bot on low health, lagging other players, using it at the end of a game just to be a fake winner.
Like I said I got no prob with anyone using a bot, it's more about how it's used and by who.

But it's like a right wind-up when there tag botting me then get you then you say there's no botters on here, this to me says you either know they bot and such a claim is just to try further be in there gang, or they really do have the wool pulled over your eyes and they claimed themselves another admin. But its led me to not trust you for these reasons and I want too but atm I don't.

On top of this the attitude seems here to be to dismiss, suggest to people maybe there incorrect and really this or that happened whilst trying to keep an amicable tone. A Lemon is a Lemon and dressing it up as an orange won't make it one.
This is a really condescending and will only inflame users with anger, which in turn leads them to being burnt at the stake.
There is a lot of players on your servers who not only bot on them but have sat in other servers outright botting laughing at people just being cruel and mean to others, the more others complain the more it would be like they have won.

I don't do demo's, there a waste of time, video is more reliable but this for some reason is not wanted. I get demo can be a bit more manipulated in realtime but also doesn't show full correct playback from what's in game and this has been manipulated also in some of the bots out there too.
But I'm not going to waste a load of time producing video's for you so then maybe 1 or 2 get kicked then just rename themselves and come back on a cracked ut which there probs on already. You know you can't legally use the cracked demo exe for running a server.

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Re: U say give u vid then u ban me

Post by Takeo » Mon 12 Dec , 2011 1:02 am

Seems like you really enjoy discussions ( or why would you make that much effort when not wanting to get unbanned? )

I have to get up early tomorrow since I have to - yes I do - study, so I will likely make my point clear tomorrow.

Only two aspects are there which I want you to keep in mind even today:
- LDG is part of the UTAN community
- The ballistic server you are talking about is #1 on the gametracker just followed by the LDG assault server. Do you really think 'bad administration' can get servers up there and hold them for so long?

Good night for now, cya tomorrow


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