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Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Fri 10 Aug , 2012 12:09 pm
by iZumo
I've removed AR from the map.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Thu 27 Dec , 2012 1:02 am
by darkelf
New version:

Download link:

Change log:
Fixed maze alignment.. What joy I had when doing that..
Re did the whole path with static meshes from Sf border world static meshes.
Minor fixes here and there with lighting.

Made the map 2x gayer.

PS: Still need to fix a few things but want to get a test on the server if possible to see how the path works with the general population. Also ill add some pic's in the morning. running out of time tonight.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Thu 27 Dec , 2012 11:49 am
by darkelf

Uploaded with

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Thu 27 Dec , 2012 9:22 pm
by darkelf

Fixed two issues that I missed. One being a teleporter that I used for trouble shooting purposes and fixed mover to make it align properly with track.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Fri 28 Dec , 2012 10:43 pm
by Donnie
i think it's the easiest map that i've ever played :mrgreen: but it's better than the original.Good Job ;) .Add a flying bender or an unarmed Dragonfly for spectating while in game joinha i prefer dfly :mrgreen:

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Sat 29 Dec , 2012 12:30 am
by darkelf
Change log:
Re did Spawn base. (It sucks but I refuse to make a more appealing base for a race trial map)
fixed collision's on static mesh's that you could drive through.
Added more gayness. Lights for all tunnels. Your welcome!
Added something quite questionable but I was requested to do it.

PS: I would like to use the quick redeemers from lego pyra. As they do no damage. I think aza rev'ed that map. Any chance aza that you wouldn't mind me using that for this "questionable request"?

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Sat 29 Dec , 2012 1:02 am
by Azarael
Anything I've done specifically for race maps needs no permission.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Sat 29 Dec , 2012 1:09 am
by darkelf
Azarael wrote:Anything I've done specifically for race maps needs no permission.
Awesome thanks!

With that being said.

Here is the download for hopefully the last version I will do for this map.


Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 3:31 pm
by darkelf
There has been some debating going on lately about how easy this map is.

So i shall address it here.

I'm all about having fun in challenging jumps in cars and tracks. In the case of newscorpioncoaster if you had any time in the map from a map editor's/map maker's point of view you would understand why I did things the way I did.

I couldn't in good faith try and duplicate the huge loop de loop on last obj and make it using the theme I choose (staticmeshes) as it would most likely be just as glitchy or more so then the original. It would annoy everyone. So I did the only thing I could do and use a system that has worked 100% the time without error(other then driver's error).

The mines and lights on last obj. Don't care what you think but that had to go.. Glitchy and generally doing land mines like that is a horrible idea.. Causes many bugs! Be happy I was forced to take it out.

And yes I'm well aware that the map may be easier. But it dose the one thing that race is all about "race". It flows much smoother and not the bug fest that the original was.
Side note.. its not wider then the original in fact it should be the same size with minor skinnier/wider area's but as far as the straights they are exactly the same width.

The theme i choose did prevent me from doing more then what I wanted to do but I made what I could out of it.

If anything in order to make it more challenging I have considered making the current 2 objs much shorter by taking way a lot of the straight a ways and put the trial obstacles closer. Then add 2 more objs of more difficulty.

For some reason I feel the urge to play more with this map as its original was a cool idea and many race maps are built off the ideas that where presented in this map. Also the theme I choose to go with is very flexible and I can do a lot with it.

Any idea's for another 2 objs would be appreciated and I'll do what I can to try and add them in. (no more loop de loop's or gravity defying elements other then what is in map already. As they are glitchy and become a 50 50 chance if it can be done in a run of the course. (I can't except that)

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 3:44 pm
by iRobot
I appreciate your reasoning, but I still don't see the logic in making a vehicle skill map, easy to complete.

I've lost count of how many times I completed this map and honestly can't remember the loop bugging out. Sure it made third person view go a little crazy, but it was fine in first. If you do however have genuine issues, perhaps put this near the start of the track, rather than as one of the final obstacles.

Never died to mines either except first time I ever played it and I just tried driving like a normal road.. (BOOM motherfuckerr)