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Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 7:20 pm
by LaPutaLoca
I'm ok with the fact that sometimes someone ask to wait ;)

But when most of the players are asking to finish the map, there's no reason for waiting (and laughing).

In fact, the presence of such a discussion show that there is a problem...
And if there's another one about the same subject, that comforts it.

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 7:37 pm
by Eiforia
LaPutaLoca wrote:I'm ok with the fact that sometimes someone ask to wait ;)

But when most of the players are asking to finish the map, there's no reason for waiting (and laughing).
Today i was asked by people in TS to let them finish Ascend. I dont really see the problem in it.

Do you count your whining as "most of the players..."? Noone else was asking to finish the map.. I even checked the log ... scend.html
LaPutaLoca wrote: In fact, the presence of such a discussion show that there is a problem...
Imo the fact tht i saw you many time playing AS in the morning alone is more problem than not finishing a trial map... AS is not game 1 on 0.. But ok.

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 7:46 pm
by LaPutaLoca
Do I need to justify why I was playing alone ?
I don't think i'm disturbing some people playing alone.
If yes you have to tell me... ??

You're making a mix between different situations.
Does it mean you're looking for other arguments cause your're wrong ?

Not really fair...

Aza has a better admin's behavior.
Looking for the peace on the servers.
And trying to let everyone enjoy the game.

That was not the really way you acted earlier Eiforia...

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 7:55 pm
by Eiforia
LaPutaLoca wrote: Does it mean you're looking for other arguments cause your're wrong ?
Am i wrong? As far as i know i do NOTHING criminal by waiting people if they ask me because it is NOT forbidden to do on such maps.

Why cry LaPutaLoca?

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 8:16 pm
by LaPutaLoca
I was waiting for that "cry" stuff...

I'm not crying.
I came here cause it often happens, so there is a problem.
(and cause you invited me to do so, laughing at me)

I don't say you're acting like a criminal ;)

Just that you were laughing at us, at each death, enjoying our annoyance.

Do I have to say that you even asked for people to vote for another same map?
not to race, but only to make us even more irritated by waiting again...

It should be in the logs too... (I can't access them)

Again, it's not a nice behavior.
I don't know if you're an admin, anyways it's not an admin behavior...

Let's speak about the real problem and solve it.
And forget our small personal case.

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 9:21 pm
by Eiforia
I'm not sure tht every one here must show nice behaviour to each other... It is public server and people can show different emotions and say different words to each other (if they are in rules). Players here pretty often say such things as "t", "ctr", "cry" and etc etc etc...

I even have quote for it:
"rage and tears are the most used argument here since ever"- Pablito`

"Another same map"? Didint understand this phrase.
If yoy mean vote trial map after trial map then yes. I do like trial maps and vote them one after another coz playing just race maps is not that interesting for me.
And if i vote a trial map i never go to spec on it and play it with wish coz i love it. So ya words about "only to make us even more irritated by waiting again..." are not true. And i know people on the server who like to play these maps or they would never be voted.

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 11:29 pm
by bOnO
Maybe we should consider again the 3 Blazing as the "same map" or variation of the same map and make it one votable at a time as it was before (like scorpion races) so that they can't be chained...

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Thu 10 Apr , 2014 12:33 am
by iRobot
I don't see the issue.

Map is voted -> People wanna play it.
One person gets to end -> Lets the people who voted for it have a chance (at their own pace)

I'd find it frustrating if say, I got to floor 14 of 18, which for example was the furthest I'd ever been, and then someone ends the map.

If people do not like the map, well...they can midgame vote.

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Thu 10 Apr , 2014 12:46 am
by LaPutaLoca
You're so innocent Eiforia ;)
You know exactly what I wanted to say and I'm not sure that providing more details about that would be very positive for you...

But no matter.

I just wanted to highlight the problem about people regulary waiting right in front of the objectives.
Eiforia was not the only one to make that today.
And I don't want to focus on Eiforia only.

If everyone can admit that it can be anoying for other people, and in consequence make the effort to finish the map as soon as possible, like in any real race, it will be great !

If your can find a technical solution to avoid awaiting, Aza, it's great too ;)

Again, I'm not against these maps, some people love them, some not... I just not want to have to wait all the timer each time we're playing them :)
(remebering that these maps are hard to complete without a serious driving skill, a good ping and no lag)

Have a good night everyone :)

Edit : words corrections - sry for my poor english...

Re: Stupid behavior

Posted: Thu 10 Apr , 2014 3:24 am
by proof
If you dont enjoy playing a certain map, then leave the server for that time and come back later... for fucks sake.