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Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Thu 11 Dec , 2014 4:28 pm
by darkelf
Change Log (12/11/2014):
-Obj 2
bOnO wrote:the ground is not solid in the obj area and cars fall through after riding the halfpipe and trying to land.
Fixed. The meshes didn't keep there saved collision properties when I saved them to mylevel.
-Christmas Trees right out of each spawn removed. They don't work well in this type of open world level. Will possibly replace with a different Christmas tree mesh(if I can find one) or make one.. not sure yet.
-Lighting on tubes and halfpipe on obj 2 have been modified to help improve fps.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Fri 12 Dec , 2014 4:16 pm
by darkelf
Change Log (12/11/2014):
-Doubled the fog intensity.
-removed portal from spawn so fog doesn't pop in once leaving spawn. (Can't figure out how to prevent this without extensive redesign of spawn..)

Note: I am getting a lot of pop in and out on static meshes.. Can't seem to figure out how to prevent this. Also I want to optimize this a bit better but my limited knowledge and available tutorials are very low for large scale open maps. Any help would be appreciated.

Additional Note: For the life of me I can not get rid of the dependency of unwheel.u ballskin. I have tried renaming it to mylevel, random new file or remove it from level.. Nothing works.. Its really aggravating. Some are having version mismatches because people don't know how to remove old versions of unwheel off there game files. I want this to be completely mylevel with no additional files if possible but nothing is taking.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Mon 15 Dec , 2014 3:55 pm
by darkelf
Change Log (12-15-2014):
-Fixed both map versions to be have unwheel files renamed to something else (rainbowtexture, rainbowtexture2). No more mistmatch issues hopefully..

Note: I still very much so want to have these files saved as mylevel to prevent any other additional downloads with map.. however the unwheel texture files are read only even when I set them not to be they still refuse.. Only way I could do anything was to save them to a different name and even after I did that and attempt to save to mylevel it refused again with read only error.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Mon 15 Dec , 2014 4:10 pm
by iRobot
Maybe it's some kind of asset protection by the modder.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Mon 15 Dec , 2014 5:55 pm
by darkelf
Maps Removed

I can't get any assistance in solving the problems.

Once again I'll try and post the problems and hopefully resolve this issue once and for all..
As a reminder. The reason we are going through this is due to izumo requesting that we do not use unwheel depedencies unless we save them to mylevel to prevent possible mismatches in the future if unwheel is readded. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Current problem:
Url Mistmatches reported by players on servers. (Specific file is not indicated cause players can't recall)
Invalid Url

Here is the current project and files for download: ...

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Tue 30 Dec , 2014 3:35 pm
by bOnO
Someone put it back in rotation but looks like something is broken. There was an error message "wrong URL" for rainbowtexture.utx.uz2 and I had to force another map. So the map is out until fixed.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Tue 30 Dec , 2014 5:39 pm
by Earl_Vencar.:LLS:.
Sorry I added it back believing the original map had no issues, and it was only the new edition that didn't work. My mistake.

I guess a solution would be to re-upload my saved version, rather than any recent alterations. That should work ok.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Thu 19 Feb , 2015 2:35 pm
by Earl_Vencar.:LLS:.
I'm having major issues trying to get this map back up and running again. Elfy messed up big time ...

So Elfy made two texture files - rainbowtexture and rainbowtexture2. He was obsessed with making the rainbow track look more 'realistic', and so made a night version of the map to mess around with the texture. I gather he made the two new texture files to make sure the map wasn't dependent on any UnWheel files (the original track required the system file to play). The trouble - the URLs of both texture files were 'invalid' (I don't understand this part), which for some reason affected the original RainbowRace also (I later learned he re-uploaded the original to make it use the new textures, which I'm not happy about). He then quit, leaving the situation in limbo.

So yesterday I attempted to sort out the issue - I uploaded a previous version, which was not dependent on the new texture files. But for some reason the same URL issue occurred with the rainbowtexture redirect file - logically, it is not supposed to be downloading these files ... so this morning I deleted both texture files and wiped the system clean of RainbowRace[C] and RainbowRace[x-mas], before re-uploading again the previous version. Now the map cycle won't even recognise RainbowRace as being uploaded - I can only assume Elfy has messed up more files than he should have been messing with, because all was fine until he started renaming files and creating new dependencies ... I don't understand why the map cycle won't recognise the map at all.

Would anyone be able to offer some assistance? I'm flummoxed. The map was popular and many hours have gone in to editing a number of versions. At the moment I have only one solution - re-uploading the two texture files Elfy created (although offline they seem to be broken anyway).

Edit: checked the UnWheel Rally map LightTrack, which uses the same rainbow texture file, and this works fine. So this has confused me even more.

Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Thu 19 Feb , 2015 2:44 pm
by iRobot
Ten thousand curses on to elf for depriving the community of a good ikea map.

There is only one solution. We must RIOT!

I've got four pitchforks, one appears to be slightly bent through excessive use. Let me know if you need one.


Re: RACE-RainbowRace

Posted: Thu 19 Feb , 2015 8:20 pm
by Calypto
It's probably missing a dependency. Use UTDeps: