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Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Sun 01 Jan , 2012 3:26 pm
by Socio
Also I will note that miniguns alt-fire having a higher dmg per hit, slower fire rate and small spread was meant for longer distances, now it has the same spread as primary, making it useless for longer distances and inferior to primary in short distances.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Sun 01 Jan , 2012 4:13 pm
by Azarael
The spread is just under half of the primary now. The previous arrangement was an oversight.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 10:00 pm
by Azarael
OK, my assessment of the state of the weapons modified at the moment:

Bio: Bit too strong.
Pulse / Link: Fine now.
Minigun: Primary is poor, alt is fine.

I've reduced the collision radius and size of the bio projectile to start with, and the minigun primary now has its old DPS back, which is a buff of about 25%, but a bit more range attenuation to compensate for this. Will add this when I can.

Am considering killing range flak via the following:

- Flak chunks start falling after the first bounce.
- Flak chunks start falling after travelling a certain range.
- Falling flak chunks are destroyed if they hit a surface when travelling below a given speed.

Am aware of the following potential problems:

- Range flak against vehicles becomes less viable / more difficult


Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 10:09 pm
by Socio
Nah, GES BioRifle is fine. Finally its not anymore a "filler weapon" but something with its own quality.
I still think pulse primary needs a little bit more dmg, some thing around the lines of 25-26 dmg.
And about that flak... yeah... let them fall down after around 1500 uunits.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 10:12 pm
by Azarael
OK. I'll leave the GES changes at projectile size. It shouldn't make that much difference anyway.

The problem with Pulse pri is that at 24 it's on the threshold of a Time To Kill Jump, i.e. buffing it to 25 will result in players being dropped in 4 shots instead of 5. I can tweak the fire rate to get around this, as fire rate tweaks scale both DPS and time to kill evenly, but tweaking fire rate tends to annoy players who have gotten used to it. I'll consider what to do about this.

I'll adjust Flak now.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 10:39 pm
by iRobot
I would say reduce flak ammo, but it would be problematic on maps where flak is one of, if not your only weapon.

Be interesting to see it after your changes.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 11:34 pm
by Azarael
Since range flak spammers will simply adjust their aim upwards if flak is made falling, I've decided to make the built-in flak damage attenuation more aggressive. Flak damage drops from 13 to a minimum of 5 over range. The decay occurs after 0.3 seconds, i.e. after Flak has left its REAL effective range and then some. The only problem with this is that it won't stop noobs from spamming flak, as pitched hitsounds don't differentiate between damage values below about 20 damage, so they'll still continue to do this - but it won't affect real players much.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 11:40 pm
by iRobot
Perhaps do something so simple but so idiot proof. Rename it to shotgun and change the visual ever so slightly.

Everyone knows a shotgun isnt good at range!

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 11:41 pm
by Azarael
Flak Shotgun o_O

Also, tell that to the BW players raging upon the M763 :P

I guess I could make the point at which flak chunks start falling be random.

Re: Standard weapon balance

Posted: Mon 09 Jan , 2012 11:47 pm
by iRobot
Noobs will be noobs though, next thing you know you will add stamina so you cant keep double jumping.