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Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:10 am
by KimiRäikkönen
gj virgin

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:10 am
by Cartoon
lol what you talkin about? 1v1's?

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:14 am
by Azarael
*shrugs* if the best you've got at this point is just direct insults, then this thread has run its course and that's another score one for Azarael. Hint: There have been many, many people who have slung the same crap as you have done, and you have to know where to strike to cause real pain. If you don't know how to make a good direct attack, don't embarrass yourself by trying and failing horribly. I've heard all of this before, many, many times. Every single time, it's been from someone who didn't have the intelligence to make relevant attacks.

At this stage, really, the only way to win is by the proper route - actually defeating me in a battle of wit. I don't care about anything else. Since you don't have a chance at doing so, I suggest you stop posting.

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:21 am
by KimiRäikkönen
Time to get real personal since youre insulting me.
Youre absolutely sad, you might be intelligent, but not smart. Youre escaping from real life, so far I know youre emotionally unstable (which im sure of) and try to 'win' some life back with these discussions.
You mustve dropped out of high school, got bullied alot, never had the gf's etc.
I knew from day 1 we were going to have this discussion, i CANT TAKE PERSONS LIKE U
In real life i walk over persons like you like garbage. im sure people in real life already do that to you
miserable sad fuck.

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:26 am
by Azarael
I am both intelligent and smart, since I'm doing far better against you than you are against me.
Once upon a time, I was bullied. I'll give you that. It stopped when I was 9. Never had a problem again.
Dropped out of high school? Nope. I had a place at the University of Cambridge for last year if things hadn't have gone awry, but that's a story for another time. I have no reason to be insecure about my intelligence, as, to me, even my history is better than what someone like you will ever do in their entire life.
"I can't take people like you?" You spend a fair amount of time on this game, too, and care quite a lot about it. People who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones. Simply because I have no actual information about your real life doesn't mean I can't accurately extrapolate that you have no right to be insulting me for how I am. :) Even if you were popular, I don't envy people like that. I would not give up my intelligence for any one of the pleasures you offered me. I can't imagine what it's like to have an average view of the world, to lack the understanding of the concepts which separate people like me from people like you.
Walk over people like me like garbage. Ignoring the fact that I put down people like that if they try anything (how else could I justify having such a huge ego if I wouldn't take anyone on in reality?), don't you think it's detrimental to admit that if you see a weak person, you will crap on them instead of trying to help? You really shot yourself in the foot with that one.
"miserable sad fuck" - Desperation.

Is this really the best you can do?

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:30 am
by Azarael
Farny: I have global mod rights. If you interfere in this thread, I will delete your posts. If you continue, I will ban you.

This has nothing to do with you, so stay out of it. :)

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:32 am
by KimiRäikkönen
Youre missing the point, im not trying to win the discussion, im saying the truth what alot of people think about you, but just dont say.

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:34 am
by farny
I warned you. Banned.

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:34 am
by Azarael
They can believe what they want. If you're in this just to tell me what I already know is thought about me, then you're wasting your time. "What others think does not change the reality" - it doesn't matter what others believe if they are wrong, and that's all I have to know.

Re: AS-Derby

Posted: Tue 06 Apr , 2010 12:40 am
by KimiRäikkönen
You simply just 'BAN' the people who throw the real facts in your face, how sad.
Too bad you cant do that in real life huh?