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Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 3:54 pm
by darkelf
iRobot wrote:I appreciate your reasoning, but I still don't see the logic in making a vehicle skill map, easy to complete.

I've lost count of how many times I completed this map and honestly can't remember the loop bugging out. Sure it made third person view go a little crazy, but it was fine in first. If you do however have genuine issues, perhaps put this near the start of the track, rather than as one of the final obstacles.

Never died to mines either except first time I ever played it and I just tried driving like a normal road.. (BOOM motherfuckerr)
I can try the loop again but.. that nestalga for it has warn off.. rather doing a /\ and do a back flip over it instead.. the orignal loop had bsp bugs granted that is not going to happen easliy using static meshes.. im not making any promises but I'll see if i can't make something work.

The mines.. there are not coming back. Many bugs.. main one is if you get blown up you go into spectator and can only fix it by reconnecting or spectate then rejoin.. which can easily be seen as team balancer abuse. Also I tried to make the lighting work but after 2 hours of work placing everything right.. i realized that I would not get the effect on the static mesh to show correct lighting. After I had bashed my head into my monitor I dropped even considering doing the idea.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 4:19 pm
by Azarael
The spec bug problem with landmines is easy to fix.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 4:42 pm
by bOnO
The problem is not that you changed a bit the map, it's that you removed some hard bits and replaced it by easy bits. I don't mind if you remove the loop or the mines, but replace it with another trap at least, so that there is a kind of challenge. Or create another maze somewhere for example trollface

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 5:48 pm
by darkelf
Well just finished shortening the easy first two objs (1st without nitro around 3:30 with well.. you could probably knock off a good 30-45 seconds) 2nd is doable in 4 min(with nitro same deal as frist)

You guys are so hard set on this killing trolll at last part.. you asked for it.. ill make it pools of lava or something (i'll see what i can come up with)

The loop de loop i thought doing the dual loops made up for not having it.. its quite tricky to pull off could make it 3 and really make it annoying..but that would increase chance of glitch after playing through.. the loops still don't nessessarly play nice with vehicle physics..(vehicles bottom out and loose steering)

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 6:02 pm
by iRobot
Blazing is a good example, that map has a lot of obstacles and not much "open road". It's engaging to play.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 6:37 pm
by darkelf
iRobot wrote:Blazing is a good example, that map has a lot of obstacles and not much "open road". It's engaging to play.
the idea of fixing a map is to keep it original as much as possible. granted at this point its probably its own thing entirely.. no worries next objs will be harder.. the first two are what they are.. I tried what I could but I'm very limited in what I can do to make it work. Its a shame but I rather focus on new ideas then try to recreate broken ones.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 8:40 pm
by darkelf

I managed to make a loop de loop that seems to work okish.. its a twist on a loop de loop that i wanted to do for quite some time.. so we shall see how this plays out in game play.. i figured this would make you happy irobot.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Mon 29 Apr , 2013 8:47 pm
by iRobot
Lookin good =D

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Wed 01 May , 2013 2:43 pm
by darkelf

Version 5(Beta test)

Change Log:
Fixed minor error's
Obj 1 and 2 have been shortened by taking out unnecessary straight paths (no trials have been taken out just made the distances shorter). This was to make map go faster due to additional objectives.
Obj 1 now has the straddle beams added back in.
Obj 2 has mines at last part added back in.
Obj 3 has been added which can be completed only in nitro vehicle. This map is now going to exclusively for use with nitro. (will need to add signs to remind people in game of same)

Screen shots: I'll post pics after I finish objective 4.

Need feed back! I tested out the 3rd obj a few times seems to go smoothly the long jumps may have to be changed in distances.

Re: RACE-NewScorpionCoaster(elf)1-beta

Posted: Wed 01 May , 2013 3:00 pm
by iRobot
Add some unarmed hellbenders for those who are too underground for scorpions
