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Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 2:55 pm
by iZumo
Azarael wrote:tyranny of the majority
iRobot wrote:That's a no from me on disabling air / making them EMP.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 2:56 pm
by Azarael

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 3:07 pm
by iRobot
That's a bit too educational for the people who would be drawn to a topic such as this


Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 3:27 pm
by Azarael
Yeah, he replied with "Seriously?" so I thought I'd outline that majority rule and perfect democracy are different concepts.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:09 pm
by bOnO
Wait a few more days before drawing conclusions... Also iRobot, stop trolling for every answer you give, it's seriously boring.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:15 pm
by iRobot
I'm not trying to provide entertainment to you, so what does it matter if you find it boring?

I think it's pretty obvious what the player base wants, this was drawn as a conclusion before the topic even was birthed.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:24 pm
by Azarael
iRobot isn't even the worst troll on the boards, btw. Compared to Izumo he's really nothing to worry about.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:41 pm
by iZumo
Ah well I know what that means, it's by far not what happens here. Nobody forces the minority to be the part of the majority or belittles them, to make that clear.
Azarael wrote:iRobot isn't even the worst troll on the boards, btw. Compared to Izumo he's really nothing to worry about.
* browses old topics in maps forum *
* smiles *

Anyway ok, let's get back to Megafun. I don't want to conclude it prematurately, but the poll reflects what I've seen on the server pretty much or in the other topic (fools day).

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:44 pm
by iRobot
Izumo_CZ wrote:Ah well I know what that means, it's by far not what happens here. Nobody forces the minority to be the part of the majority or belittles them, to make that clear.
While I was originally critical of the notion that the minority is not forced to participate, it is true players who wish to play RACE in it's pure format are left empty handed. This could be alleviated by simply enabling both RACE and Megafun RACE as options. Both crowds get the game type they want to play.

Re: Megafun

Posted: Tue 09 Jul , 2013 4:50 pm
by iZumo
I would find mixing RACE and Megafun RACE a bit confusing, and as hinted by the poll of seeing the positive reaction of the playerbase, I don't think there is a need to mix the gametypes. The only thing that would happen is likely people getting confused by it. There are lolcar races that remain in the same shape anyway. I don't think RACE players are left empty handed, just look on it as a whole month, and not just weekend. They would be left empty handed if there would be just Megafun RACE all the time, not for a short period.