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Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 12:08 am
by Definitelynotjay
Well what ever punishment jam gets dished out, I would like to see ReturnOfTheKing get similar. He is acting in much the same way as jam but his attitude to people is, in my opinion, unacceptable. I think that if it applies to one person, I think it should apply to all. (ok

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 1:12 am
by Spin
I started this, because I was annoyed of his actions. I should say that it's not the first time, but you all know this. I have no knowledge about his actions against the server, or any software he is using.

Personally I don't think he sould be banned or muted, his play doesn't seem to be foul. Also his remarks are only pointed toward known players(me being one of them). If it's possible just give us(players) option to mute someone on permanent basis, not just for a round. If it's not then yes, perma mute him.

Also Aza, if the only thing in this thread(as per your first post) that bothers you is botting accusation, then you seriously should reread my first post. Me and you and most of players have said some strong words ingame, but mostly they were responses to comments/actions. I actually don't know anyone else, but jam to start insulting players on join.

I personally can take a lot of shit, but I will not let someone accuse me for something I did not do.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 2:14 am
by Azarael
I was initially concerned at the strength of the action taken against for the conduct displayed. While it irks me that he is not able to moderate his behaviour, I would only be inclined to take action against him for his repeated dragging of the names of other players through the mud with his constant botting accusations. While trying to annoy other players is hardly paragon, he's by no means the only such player conducting himself in such a fashion, although he may well be the most prolific of them. If what you say about him targeting other players as soon as they join is correct, however... that would admittedly be another matter. The log even shows him having a crack at giZmo, who as far as I know isn't interested in him.

I'm mildly concerned that action is only now being taken against j.a.m for having a server crashing program, when I'm quite sure we've known about this for a while.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 9:55 am
by iZumo
In general I'm not that concerned about jam having the server crasher unless there's evidence it was used against LDG; well it's more like if you get caught by AntiTCC and get a redline in the cheat log ... (that's right Butcher, nice UXB on 29/03/2013 trollface).

Anyway I think the logs posted before are enough evidence that he's off for a mute. However that didn't work in the past (used nickname and so Aza banned him instead for 7 days) - so I banned him right away.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 12:36 pm
by Butcher
Pff.. Izumo... I checked the program once to see what it was doing with my old license UT and offline. I Did not know I have to delete them to load into LDG.
Let me be very clear: I DO NOT CHEAT. And please do not troll with such delicate topics.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 12:38 pm
by iRobot
"I was just testing the program...for research, honestly trollface trollface troll2 "

They all say this


Regardless of the reason, if you have cheat software on your system, then you have forever tarnished your record.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 12:45 pm
by Butcher
FU robot.. you have to stick your nose in everything?... Your comments are not adding value...

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 1:02 pm
by iRobot
What, you don't like being called a cheater? It's frustrating, isn't it - when people call you a cheater.

Welcome to my world .=

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 1:33 pm
by Skaldy
I'd like to see a clearer rule about this, because I can appreciate the sensitivity of hack accusations. Something like:

4c) Do not publicly accuse other players of cheating. If you feel you have grounds for concern, record a video using FRAPS and ...{whatever the procedure should be}.

So breaking that rule would be a definite offence (as in jam's case) and any punishment clearly justified.

Re: Just a man

Posted: Fri 20 Dec , 2013 4:26 pm
by justaman
a) i was merely upholding the server's foundational rules by preventing certain players (whom i refer to as "shitters") from joining the winning/stronger team.
this so-called "gravedigger" (whom i temporarily mistook for a certain admin) is an elite troll when it comes to this kind of behaviour.

it seems some people can't stand being defeated fairly & squarely?

b) the logs are out-of-context and are meaningless.

why did sylar, out of nowhere, make a comment as idiotic and childish as, "jam f*cks off to spec as soon as irobot joins"?
clearly, if you read the logs more carefully, the reason is obvious. sylar: "jam you do know that the only reason why i am losing skill is you".
not to mention the constant - and i mean daily - cries of sylar telling me to go home or go to bed ("bedtime"). this hurts my feelings.

[ult]hunter replied to my comments regarding aimbot in the following manner: xDDD
clearly, it was just the two of us having a chat and a laugh, and no 3rd-parties should have been involved.

c) oh, and regarding that accusation of "software used to crash ut2004 servers" having been found on my memory stick...
it is a complete lie and is an accusation purely mentioned to strengthen the case for banning me.

if it helps you sleep better at night, try telling me the name of the file and i will delete it, cause i have no idea what file it is : )