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Re: Racism ultimatum

Posted: Thu 23 Feb , 2012 7:09 pm
by Deathblade
I definitively refused about allowing russian language on the server, but I want to be more tolerant.

I will let him speak in russian with others players about objectives, enemy, in short talks. But not for talk about his life...

Here is my discussion with paladin :

Me :
We talked at length about this story and it follows that all admins are opposed to the authorization of other languages ​​on the server, including Russian.
Languages ​​authorized stay as French, English and German and we will not change anything.
But we can be more tolerant about foreign languages in general...
Paladin :
So, we can expect patience in the questions of not too often usage of short talks? (like only few messages time to time)

Are all admins notified or we need to post our consensus in that shame thread?
I notified this to all admin, if there are a problem, let' say me.
I will be more tolerant about short talks about objectives, enemy.... not for talk about your life.
This will be the same for others languages...
Nevertheless, think about others players who not understand your language !
I think it's ok now...

Re: Racism ultimatum

Posted: Thu 23 Feb , 2012 11:11 pm
That must be it. (c) somebody I dont remember
Consensus is satisfactory and fair.

PS: I always speak about current game relevant situations at English for my team.

Re: Racism ultimatum

Posted: Tue 17 Jul , 2012 3:54 am
by iZumo
Necro moar ._.
Locked, create a new topic, it's also unrelated.