Alternative Voting system

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corinne h
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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by corinne h » Fri 27 Jul , 2012 11:28 pm

It was very frustrating today. I try to vote for a decent map and see that my vote counts for 0.1, this is a real slap in the face! I try to be a good part of the player community here, don't rage (well not too often) don't diss other players, camp, glitch, any of that, then come mapvoting time, it's basically "fuck off, your choice counts for nothing". We wind up in the pussy room map, which is a LOAD OF SHIT, in all honesty, nevermind *ahem* certain *problematic* aspects of that map which I shouldn't even have to explain from my point of view, there's a bunch of people camping, I can't get on the roof because I get sniped with the OMFG gun everytime I get up there, when i manage top get the gun for myself, i find that the sniper guy seems immune to damage? The map also goes on for EVER. What the FUCK!? This on top of other frustrations of late - stacked teams on as maps too often, like the other day the _three_ best players were on one team, so no fun to be had there. Repeatedly being knocked out of your car by a plane and being left with useless weapons to defend yourself, like I'm supposed to shoot the dragonfly or that other thing down with the assault rifle or the plasmagun or the bio gun? That's no fun, it's just annoying. Sorry, as usual I'm crap at expressing myself, but basically PLEASE keep the oldz maps for weekends and dish shit like the pussy room map. I honestly don't see how maps that cause such frustration/boredom will increase the number of server regulars, in all honesty it just makes me at least want to pack in playing here.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by iRobot » Fri 27 Jul , 2012 11:38 pm

OLDZ-Hellbenderrace(DarkKnight) is played too much, and its so stacked on defense its 40 mins every time

Server player count seems really bad lately, don't know why

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by Socio » Fri 27 Jul , 2012 11:38 pm

Dear Izumo. If you want to keep RACE on top and make the playercount rise thats fine, more power to you. But we are talking about OLDZ, care about our regulars (that are already getting annoyed by this fact) and add something semi-decent to the current shit or even the voting out with AS so something that is better in form can win over real crap. AS in the current state is under OLDZ. It was stated many times that OLDZ is a trolling event and here now sudently the trolling event stands over the right game type, just because it attracts one-map n00bs, making some numbers grow that dont really influence the gameplay on the server.

Also you cant constantly compare stuff on one random "just played". Here is a "just played" OLDZ-BenderDarknight with 7 ppl only 2 ppl joined and two days ago I played Mercury started with around 12 ppl ended with strong over 20. Its a random event and it depends on other random events. Also 2k4z is shit and why is it still on I dont even.

OLDZ during the split was a joke. It did help to keep some lower level players that might/might not populate the AS server on the RACE server. Some even clearly stated it that they would join AS server, but they prefered playing some camping funtime or instagib funtime on Pharao with more people, prime example being UltraBloxX. If the trial would ever be repeated RACE server should go with ONLY RACE. OLDZ completly forgoten and removed from both.
> team-spec*Socio: i see a new rais map
> team-spec*Socio: curious if ikea
> H&some: its not
> H&some: its actually pretty good

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by Azarael » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 12:10 am

Explain to me why maps which raisers like, willingly vote and frequently get past should add to the AS penalty when all the AS players fucking hate them.

Edit: I can see this is becoming quite a one-versus-all here, so I'll step in to say what might not be said otherwise: The server does need to be balanced. While a lot of us don't like raisers, they ARE the power source and their numbers must be kept up. I do, however, think 0.1 may as well be an AS disable and that it's bullshit to see vehicle meatgrinders maps being able to block standard AS maps. If there's a problem with AS players running the server population into the ground, let's restrict the AS penalty to situations where the server's playercount has actually dropped.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by iZumo » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 12:18 am

Allright, OLDZ has been removed. Secondly, AS has 0.10 votes if there was a game played out of last 4, otherwise 1.00.
Socio wrote:Also you cant constantly compare stuff on one random "just played". Here is a "just played" OLDZ-BenderDarknight with 7 ppl only 2 ppl joined and two days ago I played Mercury started with around 12 ppl ended with strong over 20. Its a random event and it depends on other random events. Also 2k4z is shit and why is it still on I dont even.
I'm not comparing the stuff on one game, it unfortunately happens quite often lately (for instance I recall a game of Mercury got mid-game voted after reducing the playercount to 4), of course not every time (nobody abandons when there is a gg, but that's quite rare), and the reason for that is lower playerbase right now.
Azarael wrote:Explain to me why maps which raisers like, willingly vote and frequently get past should add to the AS penalty when all the AS players fucking hate them.
Skyrais, Pharaoh, EggRais, Gasoline are viewed all as race.
Azarael wrote:If there's a problem with AS players running the server population into the ground, let's restrict the AS penalty to situations where the server's playercount has actually dropped.
We can define the issue this way, but the idea is to prevent the playercount drop, not penalize after it happened.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by Azarael » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 12:21 am

Izumo wrote:Skyrais, Pharaoh, EggRais, Gasoline are viewed all as race.
LegoWars, the Pathways and possibly Ballx Redux are missing. LegoWars is the main point of contention - it can last ages and it takes AS down.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by iZumo » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 12:26 am

Pathways fixed.

Seeing LegoWars / BallxRedux as RACE would allow chainvoting it however (and I'm quite sure most of AS players would chainvote that just to stop RACE).

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by iRobot » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 12:32 am

Maybe make a LegoWars-Lite which is like, half of the objectives. Possibly same for Ballx. Removing the entire first five objs because its just a deathmatch with assault clothing.

Perhaps these resolutions would be tolerable.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by corinne h » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 1:07 am

I think there's an "elephant in the room" when were talking about drop in playercount which is that this is an old, old game, and the number of people who play it regularly seems to be declining more recently - I look at my favourites page in my game and now there are about three times as many dead servers as there are active ones. I don't know if you can buy this game on steam or not, but I do know that when I go to HMV or GAME, I never see this game on the cheap shelves anymore, not for a long time now.

It might be the case that "declining player count" is something that people who run ut2k4 servers will just have to accept?

Thanks for removing oldz, anyway. I really don't mind it as an occasional thing, but maps like god-deathrace and hellbenderrace darknight were always rubbish, boring and no fun in the past, with base camping, glitching and the like.

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Re: Alternative Voting system

Post by corinne h » Sat 28 Jul , 2012 1:08 am

Oh and sorry to rage so today too, it just really annoyed me today, it felt like a line had been crossed in terms of lack of enjoyment of the game.

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