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Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 1:48 am
by Aberiu
It seems it doesn't exist in the UseTrigger's properties.

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 2:03 am
by darkelf
Aberiu wrote:It seems it doesn't exist in the UseTrigger's properties.
Thats correct. It is not. You will have to delete the use message from the usetrigger. Then place an additional trigger.

"1. Set the use trigger to display no message. Then use a Trigger actor(Actor/Triggers/Trigger and set its default options Trigger-Message: 'Use'. Trigger Repeat Trigger Time and ReTriggerDelay: 5 seconds or something like that."

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 2:14 am
by Azarael
Feh. UseTriggers descend from the class named "Triggers" and not the subclass named "Trigger".

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 2:28 am
by Aberiu
Ok I think I fixed it:

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 11:14 am
by Satin
Something that's becoming apparent (not sure if its intentional) but this map is trying to shove as much stuff in as it can - all in one map though.

for example.

You have lockers that give everything in seconds - all weapons
super-weapon spawn
jump boots... why??? you don't really have much on levels - its a confined map one man floor and a bit of a 2nd level.
Lightning gun spawn
big armor
big health

The list goes on and on, surely each map has it's own merits and it's own goodies, why are you trying to cram 'everything' in one map, despite the fact it's clearly not suitable for things like... jump boots for example.

You may want to have a re-think on how monsters appear, you've got this long long runway on the ground level, but monsters pop up randomly in ones and two's basically anywhere, so you find as player count, and consequently monster count rises, the rounds become long and boring as the monsters don't cluster at all and it take ages to get through each round. By all means have some monsters pop up anywhere, but why have this long runway, when it's not really being used as intended. Might as well chop the end half off as it's not being used. at least on the original map, the monsters appear mainly on the runway, and when you ghosted or re-spawned it would be at the back of the runway, and you would have to run the gauntlet of the entire monster zone to get to 'safety'. Which is really hard when the monster count is high because the trans stops working about 3/4 of the way to the end (nice touch) This just doesn't happen on the new map which is a shame.

Visually the new map is nice, but the old one still has the edge on game-play, maybe have a think about it?

Doors I'll comment on once I've played the very latest version.

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sat 06 Sep , 2014 2:55 pm
by Aberiu
Jump boots are there to get to the camping nest. I wanted to restrict access to it somehow, because it's the most safe place on the map and it would be boring if every player just gets there and spends all game hiding with a sniper rifle. You cannot get to it with a translocator currently, jump boots and feather weapons are the only way.

There's no big health on the map, and I fixed the lockers - now you can get sniper and assault rifle from one, heavy weapons from another, shotguns and energy from the third one. You don't get every BW weapon from a single respawn.
Same for the lightning gun, you can get it once per game if you know that it's there and if you manage to get the jump boots. There's a limitation volume as well.

Cutting the hall means basically building a new map. You can ask Calypto to remove additional path nodes, I didn't put them there originally. Then the monsters will all stack in the hall, but they won't attack you in the lockers room. You can't have both options, monsters are not very intelligent.
Satin wrote:Which is really hard when the monster count is high because the trans stops working about 3/4 of the way to the end (nice touch) This just doesn't happen on the new map which is a shame.
I'm glad to hear it doesn't happen on my map. This is bad design IMO. It's very annoying when players keep resurrecting you during the fight and when you spawn in a crowd of skaarj hunters or lords you simply die in less than a second. It doesn't require any skill to get off there because it's simply impossible in some cases.
I even placed a 50a pickup at the far end of the hall to help people run from there, though I'm afraid it won't help much.

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sun 07 Sep , 2014 9:48 am
by Aberiu
I just had a chance to play the previous version once again and I think Satin is right, the additional path nodes should be removed, both from the upper area and in front of the door. The safe place is not 100% safe anymore, there's an empty space on the right and the roof is insecure, so you won't be able to just camp from there anyway. It seems the pathnodes define where the monsters should spawn, not where they should go, because they can go pretty much anywhere, especially the flying ones.

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sun 07 Sep , 2014 11:34 am
by Satin
My understanding was that the monsters go to firstly any artifacts (sandbags, totems, turrets etc) then to players, with some monsters even teleporting in to get to you. Assuming that's correct the only thing you need to worry about to stop monsters is the fact that they're pretty dumb, and make sure there's no door to block them, changing the base door to a doorway would let them come in and avoid camping out in a hideout.

Aza or Caly can confirm what makes monsters appear and how they move about I'm sure, as I'm not 100% clear on how that works.

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Sun 07 Sep , 2014 5:36 pm
by Aberiu
Caly, should I try to change something in the latest version (the bot pathing is pretty much the same as you did), or are you going to experiment with the map on your own?

Re: Can I make an Invasion map?

Posted: Mon 08 Sep , 2014 2:12 am
by Calypto
If the latest version is ready, then use that. I strongly recommend editing out the third locker and the link guns they contain to prevent lightning guns from appearing if they haven't already been. This means a separate link gun spawn will be necessary.