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Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 2:47 pm
by iRobot
Add an invasion perk point - Steady aim, Levels 1, 2, 3 - X cost, Increase all damage by 20, 40, 60% when aiming.

They'd soon learn trollface

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 3:55 pm
by Calypto
Izumo wrote:On the other hand, it's a 5 min fix to make that configurable.
No, because a HAMR should not be used as the end-all perfect invasion weapon.

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 4:04 pm
by iRobot
PICNIC is so much better than PEBKAC m8

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 4:33 pm
by iZumo
Azarael wrote:No

They should be aiming the HAMR anyway, which makes me think that most Invasion players are spamming hipfire. This'll be an education.
Invasion is not skilled PVP, people are just messin' around. No need to change it for them and ruin the INV server because of it, rite?

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 4:51 pm
by Azarael
>ruining the inv server because you have to aim a sniper rifle

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 4:54 pm
by taries
add experience penalty for not using iron sights trollface

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 5:10 pm
by iRobot
Azarael wrote:>ruining the inv server because you have to aim a sniper rifle
Having to aim changes the playing experience from one handed to two handed, unless you have one of those fancy gaming mice.

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 5:45 pm
by Aberiu
People use hamr without a scope because it's hipfire is very accurate. Which is kind of strange for such weapon.

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 6:55 pm
by Satin
I must admit I 'hipfire...' because I didn't like the massive zoom & increased lack of all round visibility, and because it aimed pretty well in non zoom mode, I didn't realise it was an explosive sniper rifle. I treated it like a portable artillery piece.
People use hamr without a scope because it's hipfire is very accurate. Which is kind of strange for such weapon.
Now of course, it'll be made to be totally useless in hipfire, so people can't *spam it* despite being pretty slow to fire.

To be honest on some of the bigger waves, that type of weapon was needed as you can't go into the open and survive so you resort to finding deep cover and exposing yourself as little as possible, which the HAMR was quite good for.

Now we're firmly going back into the camp and hide category of Inv (thanks Caly) as it's impossible to run & shoot now, we needed weapons like the HAMR to thin out the monster masses.

I've never understood this carry on about 'spamming hipfire' I've played UT in all its iterations since UT99, and to my knowledge the ONLY weapons you don't *hipfire* are things like Redeemer, Sniper rifle, Lightning gun.

It's not spamming anything, it's I dunno... looking at the crosshairs on your screen and using them. Why on earth you're so determined to make everyone use a scope for every weapon is beyond me, there's no need for it, no one is advantaged for hipfire, it's available to all, why this big hard on for 'scope fire' on everything. Seriously, if it was that big a deal UT would have only come with scope view only on every weapon as standard back in 99. Why not just disable hipfire for every weapon and force everyone into using scopes on everything and be done with it? Mind you if you did, I'd expect to see a lot less players because we don't care if it's scope or hip (unless it's a sniper weapon) we just like shooting things people/monsters without being forced down a path we don't want, don't need, and have no say about. Penalising people for firing an artillery gun from the hip? I found the scope view less accurate to be totally honest. seriously.. control freak much?

Re: Bug Report Topic / Invasion Discussion

Posted: Thu 02 Oct , 2014 7:21 pm
by Azarael
Wikipedia wrote:Artillery is a class of large military weapons built to fire munitions far beyond the range of infantry's small arms.
To understand why that change was made, you need to play on #1. It's obvious that an understanding won't come from playing a gametype where most of the features of BW are sidelined in favour of simple DPS.

Anything that I do, I do because it was necessary for the gameplay of the PvP server. The fundamentals of BW's more tactical approach are based around the idea of using iron sights to hit targets. If fixing the HAMR with respect to this means people have to aim their artillery piece, which is one weapon out of 80 and a superweapon at that, then so be it.

Having read through all of your post, it seems that you are not understanding this. By and large I take the view that Invasion, while completely screwed from a skill based perspective, is satisfactory to its players and I pay only scant attention to this particular forum and its issues. I cannot stress enough that when I talk about why something was changed, I talk about the reasons AS APPLIED TO BW #1. The change is propagated here because both servers use the same files. So no, there won't be any "nerf to hipfire" because I don't actually give a damn about how people choose to play with the guns on the invasion server. I have no reason whatsoever to give the slightest iota. It gets changed because the PvP server needed the change. That is all.