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DrawType=DT_Particle, how to use?

Posted: Mon 28 Nov , 2011 10:28 pm
by LegendaryAgent
Hey all this situation is ticking me off really bad, im having an actor and an emitter class, i make the actor follow around the player, and the same applies to emitter, the actor drawtype is dt_none basically im using the emitter class as a display, but theres a problem with this, when i attack the actor to the player and then to something else, and set its location accordingly it works fine, however the emitter will only update its location for the owner (which is a human player) and never for the rest of the cliens, which means the emitter will follow the owner at middle position how it should in the owner camera however the rest of the ppl will see it a bit off from the owner, how can i fix this? and is it possible for me to use the first actor to display this emitter instead of the having to spawn a whole new class ingame and have it to update the same coordinates the first actor has?

Long story Short:
How would i use DT_Particle?

Thanks in advance!