tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

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tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Azarael » Wed 07 Mar , 2012 7:50 pm

OK, this is going to be a nice big thread split into several posts where I try to explain things that:

a) aren't immediately obvious
b) are changes done on LDG
c) should be obvious but noobs don't seem to know.


Shield Gun

- The shield reflects Link Gun primary and all Shock Rifle fire. These weapons do significantly lower damage to a shield and should not be used against players on an objective.

Assault Rifle

- LDG's assault rifle is more accurate, but does less damage the further away the target is from you.


- LDG's bio rifle has faster primary projectiles.

Shock Rifle

- The shock rifle alt fire blocks traces (hitscan weapons). Firing Shock Cores at a Minigun Turret will block the fire of the turret, which can't maneouver to get around you, rendering you invulnerable to it.

Pulse Carbine (Link Gun)

- The LDG version of the Link Gun fires faster projectiles dealing lower damage. Vehicle and objective damage output IS UNCHANGED.
- The altfire of the Link / Pulse Carbine inflicts a "lockdown" effect which restricts the other player's ability to move.


- LDG's minigun primary fire is accurate, but does less damage over range.
- LDG's minigun alt fire does consistent damage over range and higher damage than the standard minigun.

Flak Cannon

- LDG's flak cannon primary's flak chunks begin to fall out of the air after one second in flight. At this point the projectiles do 4 damage. Therefore using range flak on LDG is INEFFECTIVE.

Mine Layer and Grenade Launcher

- You can attach Grenades to a Mine laid by the Mine Layer. Each grenade increases the attack power of the Mine by 95 damage, but the Mine will move more slowly.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Azarael » Wed 07 Mar , 2012 8:09 pm



- Resists Manta fire (-20%)
- Top turret deals as much DPS as the main gun and is accurate, but has no splash. Turret should be used against faraway infantry.
- For faster turret rotation, rotate the vehicle in the direction of the turret's movement.


- Rear turret can kill a player at half charge, and so should be fired half-charged to double the fire rate.


- The LDG version of this vehicle has faster rockets and a more powerful side turret.
- The LDG version of this vehicle resists shock and sniper fire (-20%).
- The altfire of the Cicada turret launches chaff which causes AVRiLs targeted at the vehicle to lock onto the chaff instead of the Cicada.


- SPMA cameras have a bug where they appear to be stuck in the floor. To destroy such a camera, get underneath it, look straight up (there is a command for this) and fire.
- An AVRiL targeted at an SPMA camera will change target automatically to hit the SPMA as soon as it is in the rocket's visibility.


- Hit the shield with the primary fire to execute a combo attack. (yeah some people still don't do it)



Link Turret

- Link Turrets are protected by a frontal shield which recharges over time. This shield protects only the front half of the Link Turret - firing at the rear of the turret will bypass it. This also means that it is ALWAYS more effective to focus team fire on a single Link Turret rather than spread the damage out.
- Standard Link Turrets have a 4x damage modifier against vehicle on their primary fire, but this only works consistently against deployed Leviathans. This is fixed on LDG.
- On some maps, scrolling up or down while in a Link Turret will switch your position to the next available Link Turret.

Minigun Turret

- Minigun turret fire will not penetrate skymines and shock cores.

AirPower Vehicles

- To switch weapons in AirPower vehicles or to transform in an Excalibur, scroll up or down.
- To drop nukes, enter the Phantom Bomber, switch to the second seat and use the Alt Fire. You MUST remain in that seat when the bomb hits to get kill credit.
- To drop chaff (countermeasures) in a fighter craft, press your SwitchToLastWeapon key (defaults to B).

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Azarael » Wed 07 Mar , 2012 8:13 pm

Useful Console Commands

Default UT2004:

obj garbage: Clears unloaded classes out of memory. If you get a Version Mismatch when joining the server and you haven't actually installed the package which is mismatching, use this command and you can rejoin.

setspectatespeed <number>: Increases or decreases the speed of your spectator camera.
changecharacter <playername>: Changes your in-game avatar to the avatar with the specified name. Can be used to adopt avatars you don't have installed.
togglescreenshotmode: Hides your crosshair as well as your HUD.
sens (LDG #1 Only): Shortened form of "setsensitivity" which is used to change in-game mouse sensitivity.
SetAutoTaunt <true/false>: Enables or disables auto-taunt. The first thing you do when you start the game for the first time is enter SetAutoTaunt False.
ShowGun: Shows or hides your weapon.
ShowMenu: Shows the ESC menu. Useful if you screw up your Escape key or if your Escape key is being locked by another application (Photoshop.)
PipedSwitchWeapon <number>: Used to allow one key to alternate between two weapons. Example: "set input Mouse4 pipedswitchweapon 4 | pipedswitchweapon 9" would set Mouse4 to alternate between shock and sniper.
GetWeapon <weaponclassname>: Switches to the specified weapon (and not others in the same slot). Example: "set input K getweapon Onslaught.ONSAVRiL"
SetName: Changes your name.


GoToPlayer <number>: Sets your spectator camera on the given player. Not sure how the IDs are worked out here...
SetSavedSpectateSpeed: Saves a value for your spectator camera speed.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by iRobot » Wed 07 Mar , 2012 8:43 pm

Seeing as this is useful info thread, I present what I think is a highly underused feature.

*You can use third person to look around corners without revealing your position, useful for defending an objective or trying to spot defenders while attacking. Seems a lot of people don't realise this.

*It's also easier to kill people in third person if the surface you are on is completely flat and empty, which sadly applies to most maps.

That is all for now folks.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Socio » Thu 08 Mar , 2012 12:53 am

-Schock cores (shock rifles alt-fire) dont only block hitscan weapons, but most (if not all) projectiles, including rockets and flakbombs.
-You can shoot down the TargetPainters Dragonfly bombs the same way you can shoot down an enemy Redeemer (dont know if this applies to the pilotable DF, didnt had the chance to test it yet).
-Press Forward/Backward to zoom in/out when manning a Minigun/Link turret.
> team-spec*Socio: i see a new rais map
> team-spec*Socio: curious if ikea
> H&some: its not
> H&some: its actually pretty good

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by iRobot » Thu 08 Mar , 2012 1:03 am

Socio wrote:-You can shoot down the TargetPainters Dragonfly bombs the same way you can shoot down an enemy Redeemer (dont know if this applies to the pilotable DF, didnt had the chance to test it yet).
Dragonfly bombs follow the same ruleset. I've had so many of them denied by hellbender skymines on Sunshine.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Azarael » Mon 26 Mar , 2012 4:28 am

GoToPlayer has been modified, and actually works now.

GoToPlayer <partial or full player nick>: sets your spectator camera to follow the specified player.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by iRobot » Wed 11 Dec , 2013 12:56 pm

Todays top tip:

Thaw joker and u win

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by Azarael » Wed 04 Jun , 2014 6:23 pm

The Pulse Carbine can be overridden to prevent auto-lockon by holding Fire while using the beam.

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Re: tip top terry's tip top tips - things all should know

Post by iRobot » Thu 22 Oct , 2015 2:25 pm

I miss when tip top terry used to keep us all informed with his tip top tips


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