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Posted: Wed 16 May , 2012 7:55 pm
by Dekai
THE REASON Guid #695
I have always played by the rules. I have always used the same weapons. When you use the flame gun and someone hits you from behind, you take off. During this time you have no too very little control of where you end up. I ended up on a high mountain or something freeze. After unfreezing I started to shot and take fire from on top. I was blue and admin was red. I was kicked off and red won the round. I logged back in and continued to play as blue with no problem. The next game I was banned. If the flame gun did not have this flying effect when shot from behind I would have remained where my other team mates could de freeze me (where anyone would like to be). Many player just LOL when they see me takeoff "superman" like. Howabout just not so high up when shot in the back.
Also is it against the rules to shot from higher up. I have been with this server for years and never was banned before. I did not do anything on purpose and you can ask any other players since the days of The Office maps, I do not cheat or glitch, what for its just a game. I also believe that some players can get up on high roof tops and more without using a flame gun and being shot in the back.
On a side note, are aimbots illegal? I do not have one but there are alot of players using them.


Posted: Wed 16 May , 2012 8:40 pm
by giZmo
It doenst matter how you came up there....staying on/in/under an unprovided playarea means glitching. You had the possiblity to kill yourself or come down but you were hiding there even after we killed the rest of your team twice. I didnt notice you up there....thanks to Spin he mentioned it.

And about aimbots....beware who u blame for cheating....proof it or be quiet.