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Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 11:28 am
by iXtl
Both Invasions - BW and EHW are now boring. BW because it lost surprise charm regarding weapons. Playing in BW with weapons choosen myself is not so exciting as when you must fight with random one and seek for better.
Weapons in EHW are laughable compared to BW - you cannot really fight with "common" ones. You may shoot and shoot and shoot on a weakest monster and shoot and...what I wanted to say? ah yes...better times were already.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 11:44 am
by Oska
iXtl wrote: Playing in BW with weapons choosen myself is not so exciting as when you must fight with random one and seek for better.
Then choose "Random weapon" in the Load Out? You'll have new weapons everytime you die. Which means quite a lot of times.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 11:46 am
by iRobot
You could try setting the load out to 'Random Weapon' for all slots, if you like having a random one, and simply use sidearm only until you find better.

Regarding EHW, Calypto stated he intended for this to be more difficult, so it's understandable the weapons are not as powerful.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 11:46 am
by iRobot
Oska is a ninja.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 1:15 pm
by Azarael
I warned him that adding Loadout would piss people off because of limited and predictable weapon selection, but was ignored again.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 1:22 pm
by iXtl
"You could try setting the load out to 'Random Weapon' for all slots, if you like having a random one, and simply use sidearm only until you find better. "
It is not the same. If weapons are available in specified locations, you must go for it, even if there is a monster horde. With random weapon that part of game is lost, only ammo on the ground is not so attractive. It is not what I intended for. Human beings always try to go by the most convenient action so it is hard to choose something less valuable when there is a choice.
Enforcing it by returning to old weapon rules is better in a term of playability.

"Regarding EHW, Calypto stated he intended for this to be more difficult, so it's understandable the weapons are not as powerful."
More difficult is not a bad idea but Calypso tools were bad chosen. Invasion's fun is killing monsters. What is the fun if I cannot kill a one? The same weapons/monsters killing ratio as in BW, but more monsters maybe.. EHW would be more difficult than BW even without weaker wepons because of lack of totems and sandbags - you cannot fortify yourself as in BW. Stats are also different.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 1:26 pm
by iRobot
Well perhaps both should be implemented, I found it frustrating to die, respawn with no weapons, and running around aimlessly while getting spammed looking for any weapon at all, only to usually die again (in later waves)

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 1:28 pm
by iXtl
"I found it frustrating to die, respawn with no weapons, and running around aimlessly while getting spammed looking for any weapon at all, only to usually die again (in later waves)"
Respawns in a middle of a horde are a constant pain in ass in Invasion. That also should be improved.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Mon 20 May , 2013 4:21 pm
by CaptainXavious
You guys should convince Calypto to modify Evolution Loadout to work for Invasion.

In case you are unfamiliar with it, Evolution Loadout is essentially loadout, except you start out with access to a limited amount of weapons at the start. In order to gain access to new weapons you need to have certains stats high enough, things like sniper efficiency (actually just long ranged kills with any weapon), shotgun efficiency (the opposite, close range kills), explosives efficiency, kill, and kill/death spread.

The stats could probably use adjustments, but the basic framework is there and its quite fun in invasion already.

Re: Boring..

Posted: Tue 21 May , 2013 2:10 pm
by ApeX
Both Invasions - BW and EHW are now boring. BW because it lost surprise charm regarding weapons. Playing in BW with weapons choosen myself is not so exciting as when you must fight with random one and seek for better.
Weapons in EHW are laughable compared to BW - you cannot really fight with "common" ones. You may shoot and shoot and shoot on a weakest monster and shoot and...what I wanted to say? ah yes...better times were already.

Strange i was about to say that EHW is pretty easy now and possible if the monster scale would increase. yeah its getting boring for me too players just keep playing that one shot kill shok - instagib maps. and for BW i like the loadout menu. Those killstreaks ;'D'D

This Then choose "Random weapon" in the Load Out? You'll have new weapons everytime you die. Which means quite a lot of times.