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Blazing Scorps

Posted: Mon 29 Jul , 2013 5:54 pm
by iRobot
As someone who enjoys this map, I find it frustrating all three tracks are joined together in the voting.

Is there any possibility of having them all enabled independently?

If people RQ over one, then they aren't going to vote another track right after it, so there's no danger of that. With it being disabled for 25 maps, it can be days before you get to play the one you want to..

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 12:13 am
by proof
instead of creating a new topic, I will just post my concern in here (which will also get more attention on what Robot posted)

Since you, Socio, are listed as map author, I assume its your fault. Please be so kind and fix it, thank you!

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 3:38 am
by iZumo
For a simple brush it's better to copy the polygons to the brush and use that as Karma Collision model. The "UseSimpleKarmaCollision" has side effects.

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 4:05 am
by proof
My point is, since this is a mover he has to disable the "UseSimpleKarmaCollision" because at 50% of the time you will fall
through the mover or get crushed as soon as you want to drive off it. If the mover would stop at the exit for the scorps
it wouldnt be a problem, but because its moving further up and you have to drive off the mover while its still moving that
shit doesnt work and sucks balls.

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 11:48 am
by iRobot
It's part of the trial. Works 100% of the time if you wait for the lift to pass the exit slightly.

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 12:12 pm
by darkelf
iRobot wrote:It's part of the trial. Works 100% of the time if you wait for the lift to pass the exit slightly.
srsly No.

Socio is aware of this already. He is just to busy atm to mess with at least thats per the conversation I had with him recently. Also having the elevators lead to death is kinda wrong.. it just isn't right...

Blazing is a good map. However for online play its not very well suited. The movers are difficult on there own. Add ut2004's online netcode and troll factor(ie distractions from other players) its going to be even more so difficult.

I recommend adding some kinda of way of surviving after being pushed off by a mover. (platform to catch you when you fall and allowing you to drive back to a suitable area to try again.)

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 12:31 pm
by iRobot
Yes, lets make it babys first trial where you are not punished for mistakes


Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 12:54 pm
by darkelf
the punishment is having to redo that whole section over again.

Keep in mind each obj is anywhere from a 7 min to 10 min path. Having to drive all the way up to a critical point over and over and over again is incredibly annoying and rage worthy.

Don't get me wrong. A trial is a trial. Its meant to be difficult. Not everyone is going to be able to pull it off. But due to the general dislike and rage that is happening as of late. This might be the best compromise. Its a very common thing to see in trial maps. Even the most challenging bits in trial maps give you an opportunity to recover from a failed attempt. In blazing you get 1 chance for over 30 difficult portions. Fail and its back to the start. Most of the time if you fail you may be lucky to get 2 more tries depending on how far you made it. This only results in server becoming empty with no one wanting to stay.

Sure it might mean your going to see a lot more traffic further up the track due to multiple people failing over and over in these areas. But over all it will improve the maps likeability.

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 3:05 pm
by Azarael
A karma collision error is not "part of the trial". This is almost as bad as driving through solid doors on Grand Canyon.

Re: Blazing Scorps

Posted: Wed 13 Nov , 2013 3:29 pm
by iRobot
It was a joke for fuck sake.

Do we really need to dress everything up in

trollface trollface trollface troll2 troll2 troll2 ?