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Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Sun 05 Oct , 2014 7:17 pm
by iRobot
0.5 sec invulnerability after touching the power core - discuss

Since people only spam flak alts at the core on the ground knowing its more effective than shooting the players

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Sun 05 Oct , 2014 7:18 pm
by Azarael

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Sun 05 Oct , 2014 7:28 pm
by darkelf
Along with placing grenades on core... I support as well.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 8:17 am
by iZumo
Don't support.

Simple way how to move the core: shield yourself in the final moments and then do a shield jump np.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 8:35 am
by iRobot
It would move emphasis away from spamming core to attacking the players approaching it.
It would nullify the endless "Power Core Picked Up Power Core Dropped Power Core Picked Up Power Core Dropped."
It would help move the core when it's dropped in an awkward location.

Your example Izumo could be fixed by excluding self damage from the protection.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 3:51 pm
by bOnO
I agree with Izumo, I don't see a real problem with that.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 3:59 pm
by Azarael
Izumo's problem is trivially solved by iRobot's second proposition. Power core maps are ruined by retarded spammers who will just drop flak shell after flak shell (and failing that, rockets) upon a static point.

If you find his proposition unsatisfactory, I propose that the shield gun primary should act to pick up the power core with a short range.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 4:28 pm
by iZumo
Well, a bit wider thought on the matter:
- the spam only happens when there is a lot of players in the area
- the solution should not encourage shield jump / dodge jump & shielding with a shield gun
- certain players call themselves backupers, not doing the objective, and are supposed to kill those spammers, which should be easy targets for them, rite?

If I would change something, it's this: if you do NOT hold shield gun, then the dropped power core would "move" towards you and attach to you swiftly if you're in short range.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 4:55 pm
by Azarael
- certain players call themselves backupers, not doing the objective, and are supposed to kill those spammers, which should be easy targets for them, rite?
Spammed flak on a power core has 100% accuracy.

Re: Opinions on a power core change

Posted: Mon 06 Oct , 2014 5:54 pm
by taries
Well i personaly use shield gun to protect myself when picking up core, but since theres movements penalty on LDG this tactic is useless, i would then agree with invulnerability.