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Re: RACE-FuckingEgyptianRais

Posted: Tue 20 Feb , 2018 1:33 pm
by darkelf
Change log:
Problem: Got many reports that the eye mover on last obj was being inconsistent with what it was showing clients. So people have been hoping into invisible wall when they saw a opening in the mover to jump through.
Fix: Removed mover eye and replaced it with a stationary eye. The stationary eye also has a similar mechanic as to the flame trial just beyond this point. Still need to time your jump right or be burned.

-Modified the weapon removal volumes to be more effective.
-Added pre finish volume to last obj.

Re: RACE-FuckingEgyptianRais

Posted: Tue 20 Feb , 2018 7:11 pm
by Satin
Re: our conversation earlier, Yes, I'd agree with removing all weapons, all obj, it still gets a trollfest when there's a full server, not so much when it's only a few.

Re: RACE-FuckingEgyptianRais

Posted: Thu 22 Feb , 2018 8:13 pm
by Satin
I'd actually on obj 3 make the scorp unarmed, it is possible for ppl who have finished the obj to EMP opposing team coming up, and there's a few points where once they run out of nitro they can't continue - or have enough space to recharge it.

Re: RACE-FuckingEgyptianRais

Posted: Thu 22 Feb , 2018 9:22 pm
by iRobot
No need to change it, you can use shield to block EMP and it doesn't require nitro.