Den is abusing his power

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Den is abusing his power

Post by Parolo » Sat 30 Jan , 2021 2:32 am

i demand justice i didn't do. anything wrong i just chatted on teamspeak as well as on ldg server. I never spam, and never annoying people. Den just hates me and looks for opportunities to punish me for my innocence. I am asking for intervention and justice
Are there any objective people who can break the tyranny of the den?

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Den » Sat 30 Jan , 2021 2:40 am


White Citadel map:

> I239I-Parolo: come on den, i love you
> france: i love you too den
> I239I-Parolo: stop the hate den
> I239I-Parolo: nice
> I239I-Parolo: you killed yourself , congratz
> I239I-Parolo: die
> I239I-Parolo: den , want to be a friends again?
> I239I-Parolo: den , just stop the hate
> I239I-Parolo: make love , not war
> I239I-Parolo: paniemaje
> I239I-Parolo: i respcect you den, you are boss
> I239I-Parolo: stop hate me
> I239I-Parolo: if im a nice guy
> I239I-Parolo: paniemaje ruski
> I239I-Parolo: ruski , comeon
> I239I-Parolo: den my friend
> I239I-Parolo: den can we be a friends again
> I239I-Parolo: why dont you response

Pendulum map

> I239I-Parolo: why you hate me
> I239I-Parolo: why you hate me , if i love you
> I239I-Parolo: can you answe
> I239I-Parolo: you dont understant that we are living in end times
> I239I-Parolo: qhy you hate the world
> I239I-Parolo: we need love
> I239I-Parolo: i love you , you bald fucking russian prick
> I239I-Parolo: stop the hate
> Zumbao is now on red.
> Zumbao entered the game.
> I239I-Parolo: jesus christ is coming soon
> I239I-Parolo: you should prepare russian bald prick
> I239I-Parolo: can we be a friends again
> I239I-Parolo: i want morda shoot my friend\
> I239I-Parolo: why you hate me if i love you

Then you were warned

> [IKS]*Den: mute soon
> I239I-Parolo: pla
> I239I-Parolo: pla
> I239I-Parolo: pls
> I239I-Parolo: i want donate you
> Zumbao: plapla
> I239I-Parolo: cuz i love you
> Zumbao: plaplapla
> I239I-Parolo: paniemaje
> I239I-Parolo: you hate me but i love you
> I239I-Parolo: versthehen sie mich?
> I239I-Parolo: i guess not
> I239I-Parolo: what happened den
> I239I-Parolo: can i help you
> I239I-Parolo: why you hates worlds
> I239I-Parolo: can we be a friends agai
> I239I-Parolo: i miss you
> Zumbao: you can shot or something
> I239I-Parolo: he is solo
> I239I-Parolo: im not shooting that poor rusian solo guy
> I239I-Parolo: den can we be a friends again
> Zumbao left the game.
> I239I-Parolo: im changed for better, paniemaje
> I239I-Parolo: i always respected u
> I239I-Parolo: stop the hate
> WebAdmin [Den] has muted I239I-Parolo.

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Den » Sat 30 Jan , 2021 2:41 am

In TS I was told you annoyed people, they wished to get rid of you

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Parolo » Sat 30 Jan , 2021 3:05 pm

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides
By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee
With great vengeance and furious anger
Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know my name is the Lord
When I lay my vengeance upon thee

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Parolo » Tue 02 Feb , 2021 8:17 pm


76867.png (800.71 KiB) Viewed 16400 times

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Satin » Thu 04 Feb , 2021 5:56 pm

Now unmuted, although any more spam will result in it returning, so be good.

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Parolo » Fri 02 Feb , 2024 11:27 pm


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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Den » Sat 03 Feb , 2024 2:30 am

You wished me to play on shity empty server with other retarded admins? NP, but why you have a problem with shity empty server and complain to it's retarded admins? trollface

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Parolo » Sat 03 Feb , 2024 9:25 am

How long im muted , please unmute , i need to write announcements before every battlerooms game. I wont call admins are retarted anymore

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Re: Den is abusing his power

Post by Den » Sat 03 Feb , 2024 10:05 am

Not going to unmute


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